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May 2024 Updates

Collecting User Feedback – Added feature allowing users to submit feedback to tenant or NeedleNine. Announcement Notifications – When new announcements are posted, alert displayed in header until dismissed by user. Tasks – Expanded Task feature to...

March – 2 Updates

Update to Maintenance Insights Set default sorting on Prospect Page for better usability. Update Safety Report email Removed Flight Stats PDF Misc bugs addressed

March 2024 Updates

Revamped sync log to simplify and display errors for easy resolution. Alert Staff of QBO sync issues. Updated Safety Report email formatting. Display last lesson result in reservation details. Fixed misc bugs.

February 2024 Updates

Integrated Gold Seal online ground school. Users enrolled in Gold Seal courses can now have their progress sync with NN training record. Users can now send filtered user list to Mail Chimp for targeted marketing. Current METAR displayed in header for selected...