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New Features

Updated Profile View of Prospect Clients

Staff will now see an “Activity Tab” on Prospect Client type users, where you can review if your Prospect Client has already flown with you and how recently, if they have an upcoming flight scheduled, or if they’ve not yet had a chance to fly with you. This user profile remains only visible to your employees and is an extra to tool to assist you in following up with future students. It’s all a part of our goal to ensure you have the tools you need to convert people who might be interested in flight training into your students! Once you convert your Prospect Clients to Clients, you (and the client) will have access to all the profile resources on the system, including this historical record of activity.

Certified Training Record – now live!

Your team now has access to an exportable view of each client’s flight training records for each course. While it contains your student’s complete training records, it also serves as a valuable tool to track the financial component of flight training for your students. If your students are paired with a university or loan provider who wants to keep tabs on students training progress as it pertains to how much money they’ve spent, this is the tool for you!

Account Balance Report

We’ve made some updates to the Account Balance report. We heard from our users that this report is most useful to determine who, if anyone, still owes you money for their lessons. This report now filters by default to exclude any clients with a $0.00 balance (meaning they are in good standing), and at the top will show the clients with the largest outstanding balance.

Small Changes

PDFs are now accepted in all places where you can upload documents.

Get Involved!

If you ever have feedback on a specific feature in NeedleNine, or maybe it’s not working as you expected it to, let us know! Email our support team at [email protected].

Additionally, if you’d like to be involved in new feature development, let us know! We are always looking for additional perspectives to ensure that our product meets the needs of our clients. Send an email to our support team, and we will get in touch!